One of my greatest childhood possessions was my library card. My stay-at-home mom didn’t have a car, so a “trip to the library” consisted of visiting the bookmobile during its bimonthly trek to our neighborhood. The selection of books wasn’t large, but neither was I—I left that bookmobile every two weeks with a pile of books and a huge smile on my face. I could never decide which book to read first, so I’d start several at once. My mother marveled that I didn’t confuse the plots, but I never had a problem with switching between stories, and I enjoyed them all (especially with a flashlight under the covers after the official “lights out”).
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My love affair with words began early, and it has grown and morphed over the many years that have passed since those bookmobile days. I’ve always been fascinated with the way words sound, the way they look, and the rules surrounding their use that often seem arbitrary (but seldom are).
I suppose it is natural, then, that I ended up working with words for my profession, and today I take great delight in helping writers polish their sentences, paragraphs, and pages so those strings of words express their unique vision. If you’ve written anything—a short story, your own blog, an article, a research paper, a book—I’m here to help you make it the very best it can be.
Call me today at 954-348-1963 or e-mail me at, and let’s get started.
One day soon, someone will be reading YOUR words under the covers with a flashlight!
Happy Reading and Writing!
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(originally published September 2012)
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I like the pharse “your love affair with words”.
I think that’s one of the reasons writers are compelled to write: they are in love with everything about words and can’t imagine not writing. Thanks for stopping by!
Are you familiar with psychoanalysis?
A bit. Did I reveal something in my writing? 😉
oh yes, the library card. The “read to me” summer reading program my Mom would enroll me in, even before I was old enough to be reading on my own. Then, of course, were the summers FILLED with the Babysitter’s Club and Nancy Drew. 🙂
Remember how sad you were when a series ended? But how excited you would be to find a new one? Discovering that the book I just finished and loved was one of a series was just about the best present I could get!
It really was so much fun!!! 😛 I think I’ve read every single novel and short story Agatha Christie wrote about Hercule Poirot. Every. single. one.
Oh my God – Nancy Drew! Loved her! I was, sadly, also a big Sweet Valley High fan – my friend and I used to pretend we were the twins (I was always bookish Elizabeth!)…My first competition win ever was rewarded with any book I wanted – because I valued the prize so much I remember trying sooooo hard to win (and as the others kids in my class weren’t that bothered about books, they hardly put any effort it, explaining why I won!).
I’m going to go and read more right now…x
I used to get into so much trouble for reading in class instead of paying attention to the teacher. I was just a little bit proud when my daughter did the same thing when she was in grade school!
haven’t read it yet, perfect title…. perhaps the tittle of YOUR book… I so resonate with it….take care.. love… Pat Patricia O’Gorman, Ph.D. Psychologist, Speaker, Consultant, Coach
offices in: Albany, NY 518.392.2902 Saranac Lake, NY 518.891.5601
Author of eight books including: The Resilient Woman: Mastering the 7 Steps to Personal Power (publication date 3.5.13) Healing Trauma Through Self-Parenting (2012) 12 Steps to Self-Parenting @drogorman
You are so sweet, Pat! Thanks for stopping by!
Ahh … fond memories of my visits to the bookmobile. Thanks for the pleasant reminder of a carefree time in my life where it seemed all I had to worry about was reading as many books as I could.
Good times, right? I used to get so upset when my mom would tell me I had to go outside and play because I’d spent enough time reading for that day!
I never got to experience the bookmobile, but I always liked it when my school held an annual book fair. So many great things to read.
I loved those school book fairs! They became pretty expensive when I was a parent, though–I had almost no willpower when my children pleaded for more books!
Thanks for stirring up the memories. I remember applying for my first card, where the only requirement was that I was able to write my name and address on the application card by myself.
And my first after school job was restocking books at our neighborhood branch.
Thanks again,
I can just imagine what that application card must have looked like! 🙂 And what a great afterschool job–I would have given anything to work in a library or bookstore. Thanks for sharing, Bart, and I hope you’ll visit again.
I have so many memories of bookmobiles – the mobile library. I think once they almost took me with them, I was so engrossed in a book in a corner!! I was similar – I was more excited to see the mobile library than I was to see the ice cream van….call me a weird kid, but I love books!
I can totally relate! Given the choice of any gift, I’d always go for a new book.
“WordPress” is one of the most aptly named websites. I enjoy encountering so many like-minded people. I’m sure your clients know they are in good hands.
Awww, thanks Eric. You made me blush!
Oh how I loved the bookmobile…….
It was like an enchanted forest, right? So much possibility . . .