Happy One Year Blogging Anniversary to Me!

I received official notification from WordPress that my blog is now a year old:


Thank you to friends, followers, and everyone in this wonderful writing community for your friendship and support. I love working with writers, and my goal for my blog posts is to provide useful content that will help you whether you write for publication or “just because.” In honor of this auspicious occasion, I’m listing links to some of my most popular articles and guest posts from the last 12 months, and I hope I’ve grouped these in a way that makes searching topics a bit easier for you. Feel free to add a comment on any of them—your comments are always welcome.


Struggling with Revisions? Try Playing with Paper Dolls

Self-Editing Checklist for Fiction Writers Part I: Macro Issues Continue reading “Happy One Year Blogging Anniversary to Me!”

Respecting the Author’s Voice in Editing

Respecting the Author's VoiceMy recent posts about choosing a freelance editor (Testing, Testing: How to Choose a Freelance Editor and Can You Hear Me Now? Finding a Freelance Editor Who Listens) discuss important points to consider when you hire a freelance editor. Fellow blogger and editor Eric John Baker left a thoughtful comment on each of those posts, and I invited him to write a guest post about maintaining authorial voice in editing.


As a professional editor in a corporate office, my primary mission is not to fix grammar and punctuation mistakes or to improve order and flow. It’s to stamp out individuality.

Maintaining authorial voice in editing. #editors #fiction #amediting Share on X Continue reading “Respecting the Author’s Voice in Editing”