Resumptives and Summatives and Appositives, oh my!

Resumptive and Summative and AppositivesAs many of you know, I was out of town for the past ten days. I visited my elderly father (an exercise in patience and resilience), my twenty-three-year-old daughter (more resilience), and dear friends. It was a fun but exhausting trip.

All this is a way to say I’m just now catching up on reading blogs from the past week. In the chaos of traveling, I missed National Grammar Day, but now I’m happy to share my favorite tribute blog with you, my loyal readers. Oliver Gray always has interesting things to say at Literature and Libation, and this post is one I read and thought, “I wish I’d written that!”

So without further ado, here is Oliver’s take on Resumptive and Summative and Appositives—enjoy!

These 3 grammatical tools are powerful and should be treated with respect. #amwriting #grammar #writetip Share on X

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